I’m going to Thailand! Woohoo!

I haven’t updated in a while, and I don’t have a whole lot to say right now except this: I’m going to Thailand! The application has been long and slow (note: my fault), but I have been accepted to go to Thailand for 6 months from January 2014 to June 2014. Less than a month away and I have to get some money together, apply for visas, get insurance… and buy Christmas presents. I’m not the most organised person in the world and I take forever to get stuff done, but time is not readily available this time. Oh dear. 

So, I’m headed to Thailand with a group called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). They’re a Christian organisation and I’ll be spending the first 3 months studying the Bible and praying with others (I have no idea who else is going on this trip, or how many, or where they’ll be from – will find out when I get there!) and the last 3 months working with disadvantaged kids. Not sure what exactly we’ll be doing with the kids or exactly what kids – street kids, poor kids, trafficked kids, not really sure at the moment. All I know it that it will be awesome, challenging, difficult and an amazing experience where I will learn loads and grow as a person. 

If you’re a praying person, then if you could pray that I would have everything ready (everything seems like such a relative term all of a sudden!) by the time I go, and that I would make the most of my time there I would be very appreciative! I may or may not blog about Thailand here. Might make a new blog. Not sure. Will keep you posted. 😀

3 thoughts on “I’m going to Thailand! Woohoo!

  1. Dounia says:

    Congrats and best of luck! I’ll cross my fingers and send prayers your way that everything works out and that you’re able to get it all ready on time! 🙂

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